
Psyray Professional uses information from your brain to understand your emotional patterns.
It is our idea that your body and mind together form one whole and every cell in your body has its own story.
By scanning and analyzing brain frequencies, we can determine your body’s state of mind. With complex calculations, the software identifies the cause of these feelings and offers concrete solutions in clear steps.


In the world, there has long been a need to understand the processes of man, both psychologically and physically. The current (para) medical assistance uses different techniques to find out this information. The ‘reading out’ of information from the human body can be done in three ways:

  1. Physiological
  2. Electroacupuncture
  3. Radiological


The various bioresonance devices typically work with electrodes that the patient holds. The skin resistance is measured by making an electrical circuit. The signals are carried out by the hardware as electromagnetic signals during testing. Using a simple and safe low voltage circuit that is formed by two electrodes on the body. This records the body’s response to these signals.

The measured response is small changes in the electrical resistance of the skin.

This idea has been elaborated in various devices such as EEG, ECG, SCIO, Indigo, Energetix, L.I.F.E., MARS III and Asyra.


Electroacupuncture does not use needles, but depends on the supplier of test pins, electrodes on the finger, handles and foot plates, among other things.

In the late forties of the twentieth century, the German physician and engineer Dr. Reinhard Voll began developing electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV), also known as Voll acupuncture, and as Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS).

Electroacupuncture according to Voll follows the idea of acupuncture that the body is classified into meridians, that an energy system in the body can become unbalanced, and that problems at the acupuncture points can be met.

Examples of such devices include BICOM, MORA, VEGAtest and Prognos


Radiological equipment is used to look up the nature and place of an illness, injury or condition by means of rays or waves. In radiological equipment, it is assumed that the tissue emits energy that can be read out electromagnetically (with antennas). Magnetism and electrical charge are used.

Each application has its own frequencies to which ‘read’ is read. MRI and CT work with a magnetic field to scan the electric charge at specific frequencies. Ultrasound works with sound waves. META scan, ETAscan, Oberon, Metatron and Psyray work within the magnetic field with different frequency bands to use these frequencies as a carrier to read the sampled information.

PSY-ray Professional

Psyray technology

In the meantime, psyray technology has arrived at version 4.0. It has been redeveloped with all knowledge since 1973 into a new product that went into production in 2019. For over 4 years we have been working on improving scanning technology and interacting with psyray software intelligence. To give an idea of the results of this development, the biggest differences are with the old technological base, which is used in other radiological systems.

Psyray 4.0 technologyNLS technology
3 trigger sensors1 trigger sensor
5 additional sensors0 additional sensors
17 units chart9 units chart
%-95% reliability%-95% reliability
Psychologically Focused AlgorithmsPhysically Focused Algorithms
Shows current processShows current pathology
Focused on awarenessFocused on repair
Works from core piecesWorks from diffusions
2019Scan Engine 2006 Scan Engine
Software in 7 languages (Nl, En, De, Fr, Es, It, Ru)Software not in English

The course of a session

At the beginning of the session, the Psyray headphones are placed on your head, while you sit quietly on your chair. Then the scan begins, which you can follow on the screen. You see energy values, curves of your relevant physiological functions and organs passing by such as brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, nervous system, up to and including cells and chromosomes. This data is also the starting point for further analysis that builds up your complete story of your current process.

Scientific background

Basics of Psyray Technology: PsychoPhysica

Psyray is a non-linear system (NLS) built on a new paradigm of entropy and quantum information links and quantum logic. The development of the databases is based on psycho analytical characteristics. This makes Psyray a PsychoPhysical system.

The main principles are:

The fact that the information is a material category is now recognized. Previous physical theories describing the interaction of information in the environment (Claude Shannon’s information theory, Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics) considered information to be a mathematical abstraction, describing the basic laws of information exchange, but did not reveal its physical essence. These theories did not explain the interaction of the basic categories of matter – mass, energy and information, nor did they explain the emergence of basic information in the process of scientific cognition.

Quantum data

The properties of quantum information are essential, but a particularly serious aspect that distinguishes quantum information from classical information can be found in John Bell’s 1964 work. According to Bell, quantum information can be encoded (and actually encoded) in non-local correlations between different parts of the physical system, in correlations that do not have a classical analogue.

The study of quantum information as a sequential discipline began in the 1980s and flourished in the 1990s. Many of the most important results of classical information theory have quantum analogs that have recently been discovered and developed. Some of them, including compression of quantum information, limit classical information encoded in quantum systems, limit quantum information that is reliably transmitted through a quantum channel with interference (noise).

Given that quantum information has many unusual properties, one would expect quantum theory to have a profound effect on our understanding of computer science. But, quite unexpectedly, this was made possible by Peter Shore in April 1994. Shore showed that a computer can effectively factor in large numbers.

Factorization (sees finding simple composite number multipliers) is an example of a difficult-to-solve problem with the following properties:

  • The solution found can be easily checked.
  • But it’s hard to find a solution.

Quantum logic

Quantum logic with quantum states defined on it is in fact a non-classical probability theory. The difficulty was the consistent development and integration of non-switchable versions of classical concepts.

After setting algebraic logic, it is necessary to convert logical concepts and problems into algebraic, which makes it possible to examine logic and its properties using algebraic methods. With this approach, quantum logic logic is semantically determined by an algebraic structure.


In non-equilibrium (irreversible) processes, entropy also serves as a measure of the degree to which the system is close to balance: the more entropy, the closer the system is to balance (in the thermodynamic equilibrium state, the entropy of the system is maximum).

Quantum Entropic Logic

Quantum Entropic Logic is a symbiosis of quantum information and quantum logic that allows us to evaluate the entropy of the state of a biological object (human) including his psyche using mathematical methods.

The conclusions of the Quantum Entropic Logic are the following:

  • Each material object of a biological or non-biological nature increases its level of structural organisation when it absorbs information from the environment, i.e. it becomes more complex and sustainable.
  • Any material object of a biological or non-biological nature lowers its level of structural organization when it loses information, making it less stable and more disorganized. For a biological object, loss of structural organization (information) means a deterioration of adaptive behavior, the development of diseases and, finally, the death of the organism.
  • There is always information noise around each destructing object that loses information. The more intensive the destruction of a biological object, the more acute the course of the disease is recorded and the higher the information noise around that object. So if we measure the level of information noise around a biological object, we will be able to assess the rate of destruction of that object; and if we measure the frequency properties of background noise, we will know which tissues in the body are destroyed and changed more than others, because each tissue in a living organism has its own specific frequency spectrum that differs from the other.

Information composition of biological objects

  • It is known that there are several mechanisms to control the homeostasis (internal environment) of the body.
  • According to V.I. Vernadsky, ‘there is in the biosphere a great geological, perhaps cosmic force, whose planetary action is not usually included in the representation of the cosmos … This force is the human spirit, the aspiration and organized will of man as a creature of society’
  • The concept of ‘noosphere’ was proposed by the professor of mathematics at the Sorbonne, Edward Le Roy, who interpreted it as a ‘thinking’ shell formed by human consciousness. E. Leroy emphasized that he had come up with this idea together with his friend, the geologist and paleontologist evolutionist, and the Catholic philosopher Pierre Teillard de Chardin. Leroy and Chardin relied on the lectures on geochemistry given by Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadski to the Sorbonne in 1922/23.
  • Furthermore, these ideas were developed in the work of Karl Pribram ‘Languages of the Brain’. Karl Pribram (by Karl H. Pribram; 1919-2015) an American neurosurgeon, neurologist and psychologist of Austrian descent. The interdisciplinary approaches proposed and developed by the author in the field of holographic neurophysiology are linked to the ideas of cybernetics. Pribram considered that a person’s mental behavior is a result of the processing (coding and transcoding) of information entering his brain: figurative and semantic.
  • These ideas were further developed in the work of P. Garyaev, who, working at the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984-1998) as a senior researcher and team leader, discovered two previously unknown, unusual types of memory of DNA molecules. This was recorded by a method of correlation laser spectroscopy.

Mechanisms of Homeostasis

It is known that there are several mechanisms for the control of the homeostasis (internal environment) of the organism.

  • The first is the mechanism of humoral (biochemical) control of the homeostasis. This mechanism is studied in detail by modern medicine (it consists of biologically active substances such as enzymes and hormones, which are secreted in the blood). This is a slow process that can take hours or days. Rapid physiological processes cannot be regulated by this mechanism.
  • The next mechanism is nerve regulation. This is a relatively quick way of regulating. But there are certain cells in an organism (red blood cells, white blood cells) that cannot be inducted and at the same time respond immediately to influence. Therefore, both neural and humoral mechanisms or regulation are excluded.
  • So there should be a third important mechanism of homeostasis control. This mechanism was called the wave method of homeostasis regulation.

Any cell or tissue in an organism can be considered a receiving and transmitting radio station. The signal of biological regulation used in information exchange in biological systems has a complex structure. If we take a radio station as an example, we have one carrier wave frequency with a high frequency spectrum that is modulated by a low-frequency component that carries sound (radio) or image (television). We see the same principle in biological systems, but not with two modulation levels as in technical devices. Biosystems have hundreds of thousands of such levels. Each high-frequency component is modulated by a lower frequency component. This principle is reduced to very low frequencies (up to a few hertz). These are correlated with brain frequencies.

The same laws apply to technical devices: the high frequency component of the signal is the energy (carrier) component and is responsible for the passage of the signal, the low frequency components carry the information itself. Therefore, we need to study the information noise signal from the infrequente to the low frequency range in order to get more information.

Each biological tissue contains DNA that the body has in common and is represented throughout the range of these frequencies, but has a specific frequency for this tissue. At some point in this range, the characteristic signal amplitude of a given tissue exceeds all other frequency components. This frequency is called the natural frequency of the tissue.

The law is this: the higher the structural organization of tissue, the higher the natural frequency. For example, bone tissue has the lowest natural frequency and the cortex has the highest frequency in the tissue frequency range.

Physical carriers of energy information interactions in biological structures

Based on V.I. Vernadsky’s ideas about the biosphere developed in the early 1920s, the book ‘Biosphere’ was published in 1926, consisting of two essays: ‘Biosphere in Space’ and ‘Area of Life’.

According to Vernadsky, the biosphere is an organized, dynamic and sustainable balanced, self-sustaining and self-developing system.

The main characteristic of the organization is the biogenic migration of chemical elements produced by the forces of life, the energy source of which is the radiation energy of the sun.

Together with other geospheres, the biosphere forms a single planetary ecological system of the highest order, in which a single planetary organization operates.

In this way:

  • we consider a biological object (man and his psyche) as an open modular system in which internal and external modules (structures) interact with each other according to the principle of hierarchical connections.
  • have modules (structures) common physical and other characteristics that are in constant and temporary interaction. Many of the features are known to modern science. There are still many characteristics that need to be identified.
  • the interaction of modules (structures) can be described by the methods of quantum informatics and quantum logic with a mathematical algorithm that takes entropy into account (see above).
  • modules are physical objects of a living and inanimate nature (RNA, DNA, cells, organs, protozoa, viruses, bacteria, minerals, electromagnetic fields, etc.)

Physical aspects of information interactions in biological objects

Any biological system (cells or tissues of an organism) can be considered a cybernetic system or black box. In accordance with the laws of cybernetics, the system will work if there are two signals present: import and export. At the same time, we are not aware of the nature of the processes within the system. In order to evaluate the state of the system, we need to evaluate the system’s entry and exit signals.

Through frequency analysis of the dissociation in the graphic spectra, we can understand how quickly and how intensively which tissues are destroyed or built up.

Psyray Technology structure:

The brain consists of two hemispheres.

  • The left hemisphere -logically- predominates in humans the right hemisphere. If people have a predominant right hemisphere, then these people are generally creative individuals with a great intuition.
  • Internal organs are controlled by the medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and right hemisphere.
  • The logical assessment of the regulation of internal functions is blocked at the level of interhemispheric interactions and does not achieve any logical understanding and interpretation.
  • The left hemisphere is mainly characterized by a high amplitude of the alpha rhythm (wake state) and beta rhythm (during sleep).
  • The right hemisphere is mainly characterized by a low voltage theta rhythm.

When a bio-information grid is projected onto the human body, it gives an image of a geometric grid. This grid was first described by ancient Chinese medicine as the Jing Luo meridian system: a projection of this grid on the skin. The intersections of the maximum wave amplitudes from various biological sources (grid points) are called acupuncture (biologically active) points. Acupuncture points exist not only on the surface of the human body, but also in and on the surface of each organ.

We can assess the condition of each specific point in the organ, relying only on the characteristics of biologically active (acupuncture) points that have strictly individual wave characteristics (frequency, porosity, signal amplitude and wavelength).

Frequency resonance spectrum of biological tissue

The most important elements in the structure of Psyray technology are:

  • Issue, reception and processing of signals
  • Antenna system
  • Magnetic sensors
  • Low frequent trigger oscillators


Psyray technology, unlike other (NLS class) manufacturers, is composed of low-frequency trigger generators.

Consistent interaction of initiating signals, signals from generators and electromagnetic fields of the hemispheres of the brain with subsequent mathematical algorithms (see above) makes it possible to assess the state of structures of a biological object (humans), from the level of DNA to organ systems.

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